Thursday, 13 October 2011

Who to Ban in Solo Ranked Games (5-10-2011 Xerath Patch)?

Last patch, Morgana, Lee Sin were hot bans. This patch, both Morgana and Lee Sin received a slight nerf. Do people still ban them?


The bans actually haven't changed much this patch. Morgana still proves a pain to deal with, not because of her damage, but because of her Black Shield. Stun? Silence? Snare? Nope. Nothing goes through that shield until you break it with enough damage. Her ability to catch everyone and stun everyone around her proves another amazing feat as a support champion.
Oh by the way, she DOES A LOT OF DAMAGE even as a supportive champion. The amount of CC and damage is unparalleled so far. If you don't ban her, the other team will pick her and trash your team. BAN MORGANA.

Lee Sin. Oh Lee Sin. You still do enough damage, you still clear the jungle quick, you still counter jungle effectively, you still gank efficiently and you still do whatever the hell you wanna do. Lee Sin's Q, Resonating Strike, sends a ball of energy towards a direction. If it hits something, he can do a crazy flying kick that sends him to kick the poor soul that got hit by his Resonating Strike. After he gets close to his target, he can either unless his E, Tempest Turn, and damage people around him while slowing them. If you start to focus your attacks on him, he can either do a (Chuck Norris Style) roundhouse kick (known as Dragon's Fury) and kick you people away. If he doesn't want to kick you, he can always blink to his allies while shielding himself and his ally. Why should there even be someone so mobile on the battlefield? He can run in, run out, kick people when he feels like it... I mean..isn't he blind? Too powerful as a blind monk.

If you wish to get out ELO Hell, then have these two champions banned. As for the remaining two slots (if they still remain), I'd advise people to ban whoever is hazardous to your champion. If your champion is weak against cc, let's say Akali, then ban Alistar or Amumu. If you use a lot of AoE cc, try to ban champions that wreak your team's position like Gragas or Janna.


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